Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bush, Leader for Life

The other foot...

WASHINGTON — President George Bush called for changes to the US constitution Wednesday night, delivering a key address in which he was expected to argue for reforms to allow him to be re-elected indefinitely.
Opening his speech to congress, Bush said the changes he will propose affect "less than 10 percent" of the constitution but would bring America "new horizons for the new era."
Bush who is seeking to transform American society along fascist lines, waved to a crowd of cheering supporters as he walked into the legislature with fireworks exploding overhead.
Beginning his speech, Bush held up a small copy of the country's current constitution, dating to his first term in 2000, and called it one of the world's "most advanced" but said he and members of a presidential commission have been "working intensely" on ways to improve it.
Bush has revealed few details of his proposal but has stressed the need to do away with presidential term limits that currently prevent him from seeking re-election in 2008.
Critics accuse Bush of seeking to become a lifelong leader, like his close friend Fidel Castro in Cuba. They say his main goal is simply to expand his power and assure he will be able to run again in 2008.
Also covered here….

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